Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Renewed Hope in.........The Salvation Army

If you know me, you know that I LOVE to support small local charities, but I have a few larger national favorites.
The Salvation Army is a national charity that has NEVER been a member of my personal list for MANY reasons:
1. Their thrift stores are so overpriced, you will often find an item for sale that costs more than the original price tag.
2. The officials that I have had contact with through the Salvation Army have been rude, belittling, and less than helpful.
3. I have watched their very own bell ringers fish out "lunch money" from the donation kettles.
4. I have yet to see a proper response time from the Salvation Army when my locality has been in need. (For example, when NOVA was without 75% of it's power due to overweight snow last year.)
5. Local families and the elderly that have appealed to the Salvation Army for assistance have been denied for no valid reason.
When I think of organizations that fall short of what they should be, but have the potential to be so much more, Salvation Army is always the FIRST one that comes to mind. Yeah, sure, they will come and pick up your donations to their overpriced thrift store after weeks of calling, but short of that.......I have not seen much  from them around here in the last few years.

Yesterday, that all changed. :)

My office adopted two children through the Salvation Army Angel Tree program sponsored by JCPenney this year. (I thought it a bit strange that suddenly SA needed corporate sponsorship, but I figured that, with everything else going screwy with the economy, it makes sense for businesses to partner up!) After purchasing, packaging, and wrapping our gifts for our "Angels at the Office", I bagged everything up and loaded it into my hatchback and headed for the local SA office, as indicated on our paperwork. Imagine my surprise when I arrived at the new local office within five minutes of my employer's office, only to discover a note on the door directing me to a holding warehouse located entirely on the OPPOSITE side of town. So, I loaded everything back up (in the cold & blustery wind) and headed for the other side of town. When I arrived at the location designated for drop off, all the doors were locked and no lights were on-what the heck??? Upon inquiring with the business next door, I found out that the "holding warehouse" was only open for 2 hours at a time and no one had been seen entering it prior to 2 p.m. A quick look at my cell let me know that it was 11:23 a.m..
Slightly concerned and becoming a bit frustrated, I loaded up the car with packages for a third time and headed back to the Woodbridge SA Office. Upon my arrival, the office lights were on, the warehouse sign removed from the door, and the door was unlocked. REJOICE!!!!! SWEET VICTORY!!!!! I unloaded my car into the 5 seat front office of SA and turned towards the open window to be greeted by Miss J, the Office Manager of the Woodbridge Local Office of Salvation Army. I kindly let Miss J. know my driving/loading events of the morning................................... and she proceeded to apologize profusely. (Wait-REALLY?) 
According to Miss J, The Salvation Army had to partner with JCPenney this year because of the lack of government funding. Locally, the SA has based their budget on kettle collections alone for the last TWO YEARS due to being unable to rely on funding from the government. Further, the rise in SA  thrift store prices (locally) has been necessary to assist in keeping the locality afloat as well and the new SA Office that I was standing in is currently staffed by only........TWO PEOPLE. This local branch of SA has gone as far as recruiting bell ringers/kettle clerks from any random person because they cannot find available help locally because so many families have members working out of the immediate area, manning two jobs, or even working three jobs to make ends meet due to layoffs earlier in the year. The warehouse holding area for SA was unmanned when I had arrived earlier because there just is not enough man power to staff it, and not enough funding to HIRE man power to staff it. Miss J. informed me that the Major is more than willing to run on empty if they have to, just to make the biggest impact they can by helping as many as they can. Locally, there are over 500 families in need in the Prince William County area alone this year.
Impacted by the statements she had just made, I felt inclined to let Miss J. know that the SA is not alone. I handed over my business card......and clued her in to the stealth organizations currently in the area, and how we could help. (I would expect in the near future to see a few more partnerships locally with the SA and organizations like FNB, PWCFreegan Code, & Reduce Waste:Sponsor Living.)
Once again, ignorance is bliss. :(      I guess I could even go as far as quoting G.I. Joe and say that, in this case, "knowing is half the battle" would definitely apply.

I have a renewed awareness of my local Salvation Army and the impact they have on my locality. They might be down, but they are definitely not out,  of the game of charity.  Salvation Army NOVA  tops my list of local charities. :)
I challenge you to get involved: act locally and think globally!!! Your local charities need your ideas, your donations, and mostly importantly.....they need YOU!!!
Merry Giving <3

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Leftovers-What to do???

It is this time of year that most families find themselves saddled to the hilt with the task of providing the perfect Thanksgiving dinner. That dinner will result in leftovers for days, sometimes weeks, and in some cases, even months! If preserved and re-worked properly, one person could feasibly eat Thanksgiving Day leftovers for the rest of the year! Some might think this sounds like I am telling a tale here, but I am actually COMPLETELY SERIOUS.
In 2007, I found myself living alone in a one bedroom apartment. This afforded me a lot of benefits, such as, being able to stretch my groceries for a long time. :)  Thanksgiving of 2007 provided me with enough food via leftovers from the family feast, that I did not need to buy groceries until well after the new year!!!  From Jello-salad to turkey to leftover rolls, I made use of every leftover item from my family's Thanksgiving dinner and the Thanksgiving dinner from my office as well. With proper refrigeration, flash freezing, and a bit of creativity, I made fantastic meals for an entire month.
I challenge you to make the most of your Thanksgiving leftovers this year, whether it be by donating to the local women's shelter, re-working leftovers to feed your family, or even using table scraps for beauty treatments. How thankful are you really?

To get you started, here are a few helpful links:

Thanksgiving Beauty

Turkey Pot Pie

Being Thankful for Leftovers

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Link of the Week: WE 11/12: Little House in the Suburbs

As winter is closely approaching, we often find the need to keep those little tootsies as warm as possible. Like many folks, I am not a huge fan of socks or slippers, but I will wear them if I am forced to.
Something I have found that helps a lot during the cold months (especially where wood floors are concerned), is a good old fashioned rag rug. Rag rugs are UBER easy to make and can be fashioned out of just about anything now a days! So, if you are looking for an alternative to resting those feet on a cold floor this winter, wander on over to Little House in the Suburbs and check out her No-Sew Rag Rug tutorial. It's easy, promotes recycling what you already have, and will keep those floors and feet toasty!
No-Sew Rag Rug


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Link of the Week: Green Building Elements WE 11/5

With things getting a little chilly in Virginia and heat being so expensive, I think this would be an appropriate link for the week:
GBE: Candle Radiator

 Everyone needs a little warmth these days, and why crank up the heater in your home when there's a more resourceful way to heat that room in the house you barely use? Check out the Candle Radiator from GBE. It really works-I made three!!!! PLUS-what a great way to enjoy your Candles by Jennifer??? (shameless plug-haha)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Link of The Week: Miss Minimalist-WE10/22

I am posting the link of the week early this week since I will be scrambling as I prep for a 3 day minivay this weekend. Hooray!

100 Ways to Simplify Your Life
This weeks link takes me to one of my favorite reads as far as blogs go: Miss Minimalist. Want to know how to simplify your life? Want to know how to downsize? Want to know how to make your money work for you and the environment and NOT against you? Check out 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life. Is it logical? Yes. Is it do-able? Totally. Moreover, it is a completely inspiring list. :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Link of the Week- BlissTree

I was approached last week and asked if I could make more links readily available to readers.

Ummm,......OF COURSE I CAN!!!!!
So, in response, I have now started a link of the week. :)

 Bliss Tree-100 things
 This week's link is from my friends over at
I often hear folks exclaim that they have to run to the store and buy something random, at least 3-4 times a week. Of course, when I why that venture is so important, I often get the response of, "Well I cannot MAKE IT at home!?!?!"  Actually..........yes you least SOME of it.

I am living proof that homemade is almost always the cheaper alternative, as well as the tastier one. For example, the Lay's company has made a fortune across the country selling their dips on the shelves of every grocery and quickstop, but I can bet you that my homemade dip is cheaper, tastier, and better for you.
The proof??? I made FOUR PANS of dip for one four hour UFC viewing event in my home last month. It cost me a total of $3, contained fresh-local & canned ingredients, AND left no non-recyclable waste. (It was also REALLY neat to hear grown men say, "This is made with chickpeas? REALLY?" HAHAHA.)

So, take a moment and wander over to BlissTree and check out their list of 100 things you can make yourself.....and maybe even give a few a try. :)

"What IS a muse nowadays, much less an environmental one?"

Yesterday, when handing my card to a fellow in the bee industry, I was asked the question, "What IS a muse nowadays, much less an environmental one?" Although my business cards, letterhead, blog, and twitter all proudly display the title, this is the fist time anyone has asked the question! defines a muse as follows:
Classical Mythology .
any of a number of sister goddesses, originally given as Aoede (song), Melete (meditation), and Mneme (memory), but latterly and more commonly as the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne who presided over various arts: Calliope (epic poetry), Clio (history), Erato (lyric poetry), Euterpe (music), Melpomene (tragedy), Polyhymnia (religious music), Terpsichore (dance), Thalia (comedy), and Urania (astronomy); identified by the Romans with the Camenae.
any goddess presiding over a particular art.
( sometimes lowercase ) the goddess or the power regarded as inspiring a poet, artist, thinker, or the like.
( lowercase ) the genius or powers characteristic of a poet.

1350–1400;  ME Muse  < MF < L Mūsa  < Gk Moûsa

With that preface in mind, it was several years ago that friends and family began taking notice of my innate ability to save the environment, live cheaply, AND inspire others to do so at the same time. Quite often when someone was in need or had an interest, I became the go-to girl for finding a way of fulfilling that need that was beneficial for all parties involved: person & environment.
What it all comes down to is SO simple-it's about thinking outside the box, and radiating it. :)

You just moved into an apartment and you have no furniture?? Show me what you do have, find me a curb on a Sunday night, and give me a week-I will have your entire place furnished and have saved good items from piling up in the landfill.
Hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year and need a table to sit eight? No problem-I need 2 old doors, a saw,some screws, and a can of paint.......easily found on This year, why not make the dinner BYOC (bring your own chair) for added fun??? Start a new tradition!!!!
No cash for Christmas gifts this year??? Everyone loves something homemade. :) There are a TON of recipes and ideas on the web nowadays-USE THEM!!!! (I make candles for my loved ones from all recycled materials that folks give me year long that they would normally throw out.)

For years, I have been putting bugs into the ears of folks I know from every walk of life. It is for this reason that I was dubbed "The Environmental Muse" by  my good friend Frankie of  Frankie B. Designs. No matter where I go, or what I do, I always try to leave things better then I found them. I always try to make the right decision for both the environment and others-these two should go hand-in-hand anyways.
So, if 1 person reads this blog.....ever.....then hopefully they can take away a little green inspiration with them. Knowing that I have made a difference in one life, one patch of green..............well, that makes all the difference. :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ebay- foe or friend???

Keeping a trunk full of dusty books because one day you will use them to make a boatload of cash to contribute to your retirement??? Why not find out if it REALLY is worth it?? Take the EBay reality check quiz and find out if you are sitting on a potential treasure trove or if you are just harboring a moth-bearing mess that lines the pockets of publishers everywhere.
Ebay Reality Check – The True Value of Your Treasures

Three way disposables: Trash, Compost, Recycle (Can the general populace handle it?)

Quite recently, I had the pleasure of going to see Cirque Du Soleil with my friend Maria. Their new touring show, oVo, was performing under the Grand Chapiteau on the Plateau at National Harbor, here in the DC Metro Area. It was a fabulous show and I highly recommend that everyone see Cirque at least once in their lifetime; it really is breathtaking.
Aside from the fantastic performance, I learned that the Cirque troop provides all equipment and services for all their shows! Everything you see there-the tents, bathrooms, food stands, fencing, etc.-is all a piece of their traveling show. It also became very apparent to me that the trashcans were even part of their traveling equipment......especially when I noticed the chalkboards overhead. Each trashcan had a sign denoting what it was meant to contain: Recycles, Compost, Trash.
As overjoyed as I was at seeing all this, I quickly became VERY saddened by the response of the general populace. Show attendees were cramming trash of all types into every can available. Food was being discarded on the ground, paper towels were being used in excess at the bathroom stations, candy wrappers were strewn in the tent area, and the list goes on. Even with disposal options CLEARLY lined up and labeled, the attendees of this event couldn't follow the simplest of instructions-could this be the issue with the general public as well???

I challenge you to look around and observe your surroundings this week. When green implementations are outlined for you, are you more likely to use them? Do you NEED a neon sign to begin to get your attention?  I would be interested to know. :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

My good friend Tina Dean: Going Green with Noah: Plastic Eco-Diaper OOAK Bag - Review and Giveaway

Going Green with Noah: Plastic Eco-Diaper OOAK Bag - Review and Giveaway: "My mom used to crochet. My sister, Sarah, just began crocheting. I know its hard and appreciate greatly those who can! Not only do I k..."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The power of the words REuse, REpurpose, & REduce

One of the things that I try to do on a daily basis is to challenge myself to think outside of the box. For instance, when I look at an old butter container, I see: a planter, a pencil holder, a bell, a Christmas ornament, a squirrel guard, a dog travel dish, a waterproof sunflower, and many other things. It is thinking like this that has helped me to REuse and REpurpose everyday items that we, as humans, take for granted......thus REducing my environmental impact. :)
Two great sites are helping that happen more often now: Craigslist & Freecycle.
These two sites offer everything from firewood to french maid costumes, and often for FREE. These measures keep items in use and out of landfills, while keeping families outfitted. I cannot rave enough about how much these sites have helped myself, my family, and my friends.

Families around the globe are now thinking twice before they run out and purchase brand new items, because they want the planet to be around and be healthy for their children and their grandchildren. One such family was in the Reader's Digest in 2008 as buying nothing for a month. That one month changed the Hoch's life forever and showed them exactly what they needed to live, and they were happier and healthier for it. :)

More recently, a family in Okotoks, Canada ventured into the news as a family that bought nothing for the YEAR!!!

Personal friends of mine, the Moseleys, have moved across the nation well over four times now, and every time they move, they empty their house via craigslist & freecycle. When they get to their new place, they re-furnish via craigslist & freecycle. Shara Moseley once told me, "It is so rewarding living this way-it makes you value the important things in life, and not possessions." The Moseley family has now been REusing, REpurposing, and REducing for over six years. <3

So the next time you go to throw out that perfectly fine laundry basket that you never use, THINK TWICE. Offering it up to the trash gods might be the quickest thing to do, but is it the best thing to do???

Monday, September 13, 2010

Beauty and the Environment

I guess it would be fitting for me to start this blog with some random Eco-beauty tips; since I am very random. :)
Let's start off with some of the best beauty tips I have found to date, that are environmentally friendly, cost effective, and beautifully beneficial.

1. Wash your face with honey.  Simply wet your face with warm water, massage with a tablespoon of honey, and rinse well. Or, apply it as a mask, and let it sit 15-20 minutes before washing it off.

2. Use sugar as a facial scrub. Given that I do a lot of baking at home, I have access to raw and brown sugar on a regular basis. One tablespoon of sugar and some water can go a long way to helping slough those dead skin cells out of your way!

3. Use witch hazel as a toner. It’s natural, gentle, and alcohol-free, and won’t dry out skin like chemical-based formulas. Witch hazel refreshes your skin, and removes excess oils and impurities.

4. Moisturize with olive oil and those dry patches on your knees and elbows with be gone FOREVER!

5. Shampoo with baking soda, and rinse with apple cider vinegar. This natural combo is a popular alternative to shampoo, known commonly as NO-POO. First, dilute a tablespoon of baking soda with enough water to make a loose paste, then massage it into your scalp. After rinsing it out, pour an apple cider vinegar and water solution over the ends. (TONS of no-poo recipes are available on the inter webs.)

6. Make a facial with oatmeal. Mix dry oatmeal and water into a paste and spread it on your face. Let it dry, then rinse with warm water.Oatmeal can also be added to plain bath water to create a soothing soak while your mask dries!~

7. Use tea tree oil or toothpaste for blemishes.Dab a bit on the inflamed spot morning and night. I personally like to dab on toothpaste on my blemishes after dinner and sleep with it on overnight-by morning the blemish is either gone, or not huge and red anymore.

8. Use a multi-purpose soap like Dr. Bronner's. Bar and Liquid form are both available and the peppermint hemp makes a great shampoo, body wash, and even tooth wash in one! (Plus you will smell DIVINE.)

9. DIY. Search the Internet, and you’ll find plenty of recipes for making your own soap, lotions, shampoos, facials, and cosmetics from natural (and edible) ingredients.

10. Use facial cloths made from scrap materials. My favorite washcloth is actually a piece of old flannel and it's the softest thing ever!

11. Drink water. Water helps eliminate toxins from your body and gives you that healthy glow that everyone is desperately searching for.

12. Get adequate sleep! If you are sleeping well, you won't even need to THINK about concealer! (I gave mine up over 2 years ago.)

So, there are 12 simple suggestions to get you started! I challenge every person to try at least ONE of these in the next six months. :)
Let me know how it has changed your lifestyle!