Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Three way disposables: Trash, Compost, Recycle (Can the general populace handle it?)

Quite recently, I had the pleasure of going to see Cirque Du Soleil with my friend Maria. Their new touring show, oVo, was performing under the Grand Chapiteau on the Plateau at National Harbor, here in the DC Metro Area. It was a fabulous show and I highly recommend that everyone see Cirque at least once in their lifetime; it really is breathtaking.
Aside from the fantastic performance, I learned that the Cirque troop provides all equipment and services for all their shows! Everything you see there-the tents, bathrooms, food stands, fencing, etc.-is all a piece of their traveling show. It also became very apparent to me that the trashcans were even part of their traveling equipment......especially when I noticed the chalkboards overhead. Each trashcan had a sign denoting what it was meant to contain: Recycles, Compost, Trash.
As overjoyed as I was at seeing all this, I quickly became VERY saddened by the response of the general populace. Show attendees were cramming trash of all types into every can available. Food was being discarded on the ground, paper towels were being used in excess at the bathroom stations, candy wrappers were strewn in the tent area, and the list goes on. Even with disposal options CLEARLY lined up and labeled, the attendees of this event couldn't follow the simplest of instructions-could this be the issue with the general public as well???

I challenge you to look around and observe your surroundings this week. When green implementations are outlined for you, are you more likely to use them? Do you NEED a neon sign to begin to get your attention?  I would be interested to know. :)

1 comment:

  1. We were actually discussing this last night. We don't have recycling in our building (it doesn't have to by DC law as the building is so small), so we make an effort to find the blue bins of neighbors to make sure our recycling is not thrown in with the trash!
